Kolinski Emory “Breaking news as Felonious Gru Sr. is elected the 100th president of the united states”
gg44gg Titanus_EVO-Godzilla someone needs to get this murder drones STAN on something else. Like a BOOK. MY FAVE ONE: the BIBLE. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH.
gg44gg BreadstickBoi23 centuries old book talking about how the people are constantly distracted with random shit, and the kids are the victims of the consequences. only this time its an insignificant horror 3d anime robot cartoon.
Titanus_EVO-Godzilla KingWolf WAIT YOU PLAY EAGLERCRAFT?!?!? cuz I do play the games of it and clients.